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We Made History with our Defiance for Science Strike! What’s Next

In an unprecedented show of solidarity, our check-in report so far shows over 2,152 of us, a majority of rank-and-file California State Scientists, showed up in our collective fight for a fair contract by withholding their labor. If you did not check-in to your strike duty, please reach out to your strike captain to do so, ASAP. 

Many other unions showed up to the line in solidarity including: California Labor Federation, Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, Sacramento Central Labor Council, United Auto Workers Local 2865, Sacramento IWW, SEIU Local 1000, CASE, the Union of Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 447 as well as organizations like NorCal Resist, Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), and Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL). Elected officials Senator Toni Adkins, Sacramento City Council member Katie Valenzuela, and more showed up to walk our picket lines as well. We were featured positively on many news outlets including: The Washington PostThe Associated Press, USA Today, Politico, NPR, California City NewsCapRadioKCLUCalMatters, Univision, KSBW8KRCR7KCRA3CBS13,  The Sacramento BeeSanta Rosa Press DemocratRedding Record SearchlightSan Jose Inside, and more. Check out our Contract website to see more about the media attention we’ve been getting recently! 

Post-Strike. Return to work, as usual.  CAPS encourages you to email your supervisor and advise them you have resumed these activities as normal. If your supervisor asks what your leave was for last week, feel free to report, “I was on strike with my union!” 

Remember your Weingarten Rights! The best rule of thumb is this – if you are invited to a meeting and you are being questioned about things that happened in the past, the meeting very well could be disciplinary in nature; if it is to discuss how to handle things in the future, it’s most likely not. If you enact your Weingarten Rights, contact CAPS as soon as possible (

AWOL Information. Your supervisor has likely been directed by their management to code your time while you were on strike as Absent Without Leave (AWOL). AWOL simply means that you did not receive “permission” to not report to work when it is for under five days. In the interim, while the Public Employees Relations Board (PERB) reviews the litigation, ask your personnel liaison what code is appropriate or use the code you are directed to and stay tuned! If you have any questions, please contact CAPS ( 

Your union, CAPS, is here to support you.

The fight for a fair contract continues on the next scheduled date for mediation,  Tuesday, November 28

This has been the greatest show of unity Bargaining Unit 10 has ever seen – we appreciate your continued support. 

Remember to add your photos and videos from our historical Defiance for Science strike to our DropEvent

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